Irish Flora Records

Census Catalogues, Checklists, and Species Lists

Species Lists

For use in updating lists of plant names, Turboveg, Recorder etc.

  • Synoptic list of the Vascular plants of Ireland, with full synonymy as used in Ireland. Download.
  • Downloadable spreadsheet for converting vascular plant names to their modern equivalent, with Irish names, english names and family placement. Download.
    Note: this list is constantly being updated, and the most recent edition incorporates over 100 name changes included in edition 3 of Stace’s New Flora fo the British Isles (2010). I have added a field which gives Stace ed.2 (1987) names for those who find the changes confusing.
  • Synoptic list of the Bryophytes of Ireland, with full synonymy as used in Ireland. (Ver. 1.01 includes options for un-specified infraspecific taxa.) Download.
  • Downloadable spreadsheet for converting bryophyte names to their modern equivalent, with english names, family placement, red book status and notes on the taxon name. Download.
  • Synoptic list of the Characeae of Ireland, with full synonymy as used in Ireland. Download.
  • 1999 Flora Protection Order: Legally protected plant species in the Republic of Ireland. Download.
  • Same as above (1999 Flora Protection Order) but with English and Irish common names. Download.

Census Lists

The National Herbarium houses specimens, records, and manuscripts relating to the flora and fungi of Ireland. Other organisations within Ireland, and outside Ireland, also have substantial collections of such records.

 Fungi 3,500
 Fungi-Lichens 957 Census catalogue of Irish Lichens (Glasra 8, 1984)
Checklist of lichens and lichenicolous fungi of Ireland (2004)
Fungi-Lichenicolous species  150 Census catalogue of the lichenicolous fungi of Ireland (2001)
 Algae – Freshwater ? Coded List of Freshwater Algae of the British Isles
 Algae – Marine 579 Checklist of Red seaweeds
Checklist of Brown seaweeds
Checklist of Green seaweeds
 Bryophytes – Mosses 584 Census list of Irish mosses, Important areas of Bryophyte diversity (1995)
 Bryophytes – Liverworts 228 Census list of Irish liverworts
 Bryophytes – Hornworts 3 Census list of Irish hornworts
 Pteridophytes  78 Census list of Irish ferns
 Seed Plants – Native 815 Census list of Irish seed plants
Census Catalogue (1987)
 Seed Plants – Aliens 1,108 Catalogue of Alien plants in Ireland (2002)