The National Botanic Gardens produces a journal – Glasra – and a series of Occasional Papers.
These are available on exchange or as a gift to botanical and horticultural institutes in Ireland and overseas. Glasra has gone through three major transformations, and a number of minor changes in logo design and governmental bodies, during its first 20 years. The first issue bears the title Contributions from the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin. The expanded title Glasra. Contributions from the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin was first used for Number 2. Today the journal is usually cited simply as Glasra, the Irish word for vegetation or greenery. The ISSN number (0332–0235) was assigned in 1980 (No. 4).
The first five numbers had card covers with a green upper, and pale-brown lower part. Parts 6 to 10 were issued in a pale yellow card with dark green lettering. During this period the format was 21 × 15 cm, considerably smaller than the majority of scientific journals. In 1990 the journal was redesigned under a new format, and the numbering sequence was started again with a volume and part number under a ‘new series’. Each volume is now issued as two consecutive parts.
Until 1987 the journal was published under the auspices of the Department of Agriculture (An Roinn Talmhaíochta). When Volume 1 of the new series was published, the gardens were administered by the Office of Public Works (Oifig na nOibreacha Poiblí). That volume carries no logo or reference to a department however. By the time volume 2 appeared, it was a requirement for the publication to carry the name and logo of the Office of Public Works. The issue of Volume 3 occurred following a restructuring of this public body, and the National Botanic Gardens were then under the auspices of “Dúchas, the Heritage Service”. Today the National Botanic Gardens are once again administered by the Office of Public Works.
Occasional Papers have been published by the gardens since 1984. These are also produced on a more or less annual basis, and comprise catalogues, lists, floras, or indexes to botanical or horticultural subjects.
Use the section menu to the left to navigate the archive, or simply scroll down to browse.
GLASRA 1 (1976) publication date 11. ix. 1976
- Morley, B. A key, typification and synonymy of the sections in the genus Columnea L. (Gesneriaceae) 1-11
- Powell, M., Morley, B. D. The Robert Brown material in the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin 12-39
- Scannell, M. J. P. Erica × watsonii Benth., in the Flora of Ireland 40-47
GLASRA 2 (1978) publication date 5. v. 1978
- Nelson, E. C., Scannell, M. J. P. C. E. H. Ostenfelds’s Western Australian Plants in the Herbarium, NBG, Glasnevin 1-24
- Morley, B. D. Lydia Shackleton’s plants in the herbarium, NBG, Glasnevin 25-36
- Nelson, E. C. The publication date of the first Irish Flora, Caleb Threlkeld’s Synopsis Hibernicarum 37-42
- Synnott, D. M. The bryophyte herbarium of Henry William Lett in the herbarium, NBG, Glasnevin 43-48
- Synnott, D. M. The status of Crataegus laevigata (Poiret) D.C. in Ireland 49-55
- Nelson, E. C. Studies in Adenanthos Labill. (Proteaceae) 2: the taxonomic status of A. velutina Meisin. reassessed 57-69
- Nelson, E. C. Studies in Adenanthos Labill. (Proteaceae) 3: additional notes on pollen morphology 71-74
GLASRA 3 (1979) publication date 1. vii. 1979
- Murphy, D., Synnott, D. M. Fern collection from Colonial Exhibition 1886 in the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin 1-8
- Nelson, E. C. Studies in Adenanthos Labill. (Proteaceae) 4: the typification of A. sericea Labill. and the nomenclature of its subspecies 9-19
- Morley, B. D. Augustine Henry: His botanical activities in China, 1880-1890 21-81
GLASRA 4 (1980) publication date 2. iv. 1980
- Ewan, J. Transit of botany from Ireland to America 1-11
- Brady, A. Notes on the history of Glasnevin before the establishment of the National Botanic Gardens 13-16
- Synnott, D. M. A catalogue of collectors in the bryophyte herbarium, NBG, Glasnevin (DBN) 17-30
- Nelson, E. C. A contribution towards a catalogue of collectors in the foreign phanerogam section of the herbarium, NBG, Glasnevin (DBN) 31-68
GLASRA 5 (1981) publication date 14. v. 1981
- Nelson, E. C. A select, annotated bibliography of the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 1-20
- Willis, D. The development of daffodil cultivars in Ireland 21-31
- Nelson, E. C. The nomenclature and history in cultivation of the Irish yew, Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata’ 33-44
- McCracken, E. The finances of Glasnevin Botanic Gardens, under the Royal Dublin Society, 1795-1877 45-50
- Diestelkemp, E. J. Richard Turner (c. 1798-1881) and his glasshouses 51-53
- Robins, J. Social influences on Irish gardening 55-59
- Book Review: Nelson, E. C., Brady, A. (editors). Irish gardening and horticulture. 61-62
GLASRA 6 (1982) publication date 9. vi. 1982
- Synnott, D. An outline of the bryophytes of Meath and Westmeath 1-71
- Seaward, M. R. D., Nelson, E. C., Coppins, B. J. David Moore and Isaac Carroll: some lichenological and bryological correspondence 73-96
- Book review: McClintock, D. A guide to the naming of plants. 97-98
GLASRA 7 (1983) publication date 16. i. 1984
- Synnott, D. M. Notes on Salix phylicifolia L. and related Irish willows 1-10
- Fraga, M. I. Notes on the morphology and distribution of Erica and Calluna in Galicia, north-western Spain 11-23
- Nelson, E. C. David Moore’s date of birth – a correction 24
- Nelson, E. C., Fraga, M. I. Studies in Erica mackaiana Bab. 2: distribution in northern Spain 25-33
- Scannell, M. J. P., Houston, C. M. Botanical paintings in the National Botanic Gardens 34
- Nelson, E. C., McClintock, D. C. Two new wild white-flowered heathers (Erica andevalensis and E. mackaiana) from Spain 35-40
- Fraga, M. I., Mantilla, J. L. G. A survey of phenolic compounds in leaves of Erica species from Galicia (north-western Spain) and their taxonomic value 41-49
- Book Review: Nelson, E. C. John Lyons and his orchid manual. 50-51
GLASRA 8 (1984) publication date 5. vi. 1984
- Seaward, M. R. D. Census catalogue of Irish lichens 1-32
- Book Reviews: Morley, B. D.: Flowering Plants in Australia 33-34
- Walsh, W., Ross, R. I., Nelson, E. C.: An Irish Florilegium. Wild and garden plants of Ireland. 35
GLASRA 9 (1986) publication date 14. x. 1986
- Nelson, E. C. Adenanthos × pamela (Proteaceae), a hybrid from south western W. Australia 1-6
- Collins, J., Nelson, E. C., Scannell, M. J. P. William Coulter of Newry 7-12
- Synnott, D. M. An outline of the Flora of Mayo 13-118
- Book Reviews: Nelson, E. C. & W. Walsh. An Irish flower garden. 118-119
- Forrest, M. Trees and shrubs cultivated in Ireland. 119-120
- Wyse Jackson, P. & Sheehy Skeffington, M. The flora of inner Dublin. 120-121
- Hickin, N. E. Bookworms: the insect pests of books. 121
- Desmond, R. G. C. Bibliography of British gardens. 122
- Yeo, P. F. Hardy Geraniums. 122-123
- Wheeler, A. & Price, J. H. (eds.). From Linnaeus to Darwin: Commentaries on the history of biology and geology. 123-124
- van de Laar, H. Naamlijst van houtige gewassen. 124-125
GLASRA 10 (1987) publication date 8. x. 1987
- Barry, T. A., Synnott, D. M. Further studies into bryophyte occurrence and succession in the Hochmoore peat types of Ireland 1-21
- Doyle, G. J., O’Connell, C. A., Foss, P. J. The vegetation of peat islands in bog lakes in County Mayo, Western Ireland 23-35
- Magowan, K. Blanket peat erosion and its inwash into Lough Barra, an upland lake in County Donegal, Ireland 37-43
- Foss, P. J., Lockhart, N., Tubridy, M. Peatland sites in the Republic of Ireland worthy of conservation – The Irish Peatland Conservation Council List, 1986 45-55
- Leach, S. J., Corbett, P. McM. A preliminary survey of raised bogs in Northern Ireland 57-73
- Douglas, C. The distribution and ecology of Sphagnum pulchrum (Braithw. ) Warnst. in Ireland 75-81
- Synnott, D. M. The effects of drainage, shelter and fertilisers on bryophyte colonisation and succession on blanket peat in Western Ireland 83-99
- Book Reviews: Bellamy, D. Bellamy’s Ireland: the wild boglands. 100-101
- Percy, C. & J. Ridley. The letters of Edwin Lutyens to his wife Lady Emily. 101-102
- Robinson, W. Graveyte Manor. 102-103
- Allen, D. E. The Botanists: A history of the botanical society of the British Isles through a hundred and fifty years. 103-105
- Bales, P. Classic Roses. 105-107
- Slack, A. Insect eating plants and how to grow them. 107-108
GLASRA new series 1(1) (1990) publication date 23. vi. 1990
- Nelson, E. C. William Ramsay McNab’s herbarium in the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin (DBN). 1. Its early history and acquisition 1-7
- Crisp, M. D. On the typification of Brachysema latifolium R. Br. 9
- Wyse Jackson, P. S. The Dublin Naturalists’ Field Club and its links with the National Botanic Gardens 11-14
- Synnott, D. M., Robinson, D. W. The moss Trichostomopsis umbrosa (C. Muller) H. Robinson in Ireland 15-19
- Synnott, D. M. The Bryophytes of Achill Island – a preliminary note 21-26
- Smith, A. J. E The Bryophytes of Achill Island – Musci 27-46
- Long, D. G. The Bryophytes of Achill Island – Hepaticae 47-64
- Synnott, D. M. The Bryophytes of Lambay Island 65-81
- Brady, A. Eileen McCracken (1920-1988) – An appreciation 83-85
- Nelson, E. C., Seaward, M. R. D. Evelyn Booth (1899-1988) 87-89
- Book reviews: Nelson, E. C. & McCracken, E. M. The Brightest jewel: a history of the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin. 91
- Chalk, D. Hebes & Parahebes. 92
- O’Connell, C. (editor) The IPCC guide to Irish peatlands. 93-94
GLASRA new series 1(2) (1992) publication date 25. v. 1992
- Nelson, E. C., Walsh, W.F., Garrya × issaquahensis Nelson ‘Glasnevin Wine’: a new cultivar from the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin 96-98
- Doogue, D., Parnell, J. Fragments of an eighteenth century herbarium, possibly that of Caleb Threlkeld, in Trinity College, Dublin (TCD) 99-109
- Nelson, E. C., Andrews, S. The origin of Ilex altaclerensis (Loudon) Dallimore ‘Lawsoniana’ and a confusion of Hodginses 111-114
- Synnott, D. M. Hennediella standfordensis (Steere) Blockeel in Ireland 115-116
- McCarthy, P.M., Mitchell, M. E. Bibliography of Irish lichenology 1971 – 1989 117-133
- Parnell, J. Isaac Carroll’s Crytogamic flora of County Cork – the fragments in Trinity College, Dublin 135-159
- Book reviews: Mitchell, A. A. & Wilcox, D. G. Plants of the arid shrublands of Western Australia. 161
- Bennet, E. M., Dunadas, P. J. The bushland plants of Kings Park. 161-162
- Walsh, W. F. & Nelson, E. C. A prospect of Irish flowers. 162-163
- Gilmore, D. (editor). The Irish countryside. Landscape. Wildlife. History. People. 163-164
- Kelly, J. (editor). The letters of Lord Chief Baron Edward Willes to the Earl of Warwick, 1757-1762. An account of Ireland in the mid-18th century. 164-165
- Whaley, J. The gardens of Ireland – a visitors guide. 165
- Prest, J. The garden of Eden. 166
GLASRA new series 2(1) (1993) publication date 16. xii. 1993
- Synnott, D. M., Nelson, E. C., Wilson, P. Aidan Brady, Director (1968-1993), National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin (Obituary) 1-3
- Reilly, P. A. The flowering plants and ferns of the Phoenix Park, Dublin 5-72
- Synnott, D. M., Kelly, D. L. Bryophytes of the Phoenix Park, Dublin 73-81
- McCullen, J. A landscape history of the Phoenix Park, Dublin 83-126
GLASRA new series 2(2) (1995) publication date 3. vii. 1995
- Fryer, J., Nelson, E. C. Two new species of Cotoneaster (Rosaceae) from the living collections in the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin 127-134
- Page, C. N. Equisetum × willmotii C. N. Page – a new hybrid horsetail from County Cavan, Ireland 135-138
- Mitchell, M. E. 150 years of Irish lichenology: a concise survey 139-155
- Lahert, H. The bryological work of Mrs A. L. K. King 157-163
- Reilly, P.A. Nicholas John Halpin (1790-1850): a little known Irish botanist 165-177
- Book Reviews: Nelson, E. C. & Deane, E. Glory of Donard. A history of the Slieve Donard Nursery, Newcastle, County Down. 179
- Nelson, E. C. & Probert, A. A man who can speak of plants: Dr. Thomas Coulter (1793-1843) of Dundalk in Ireland, Mexico and Alta California. 179-182
- Nelson, E. C. & Walsh, W. Trees of Ireland, native and naturalized. 182-183
GLASRA new series 3(1) (1997) publication date i. 1997
- Nelson, E. C., Reilly, P. A checklist of collectors of Irish native flowering plants and ferns represented in the herbarium, National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin (DBN), with biographical annotations. 1-30
- Reilly, P. The management of the Bective estate at Virginia, County Cavan, November 1820 to 1845; memoranda from James Fitzpatrick, gardener and planter to Thomas Taylour, Earl of Bective and 2nd Marquis of Headfort. 31-53
- Ingram, V. M., Forrest, M. From lady pupil to lady gardener. 55-61
- Nelson, E. C. James Townsend Mackay’s ‘A systematic catalogue of rare plants found in Ireland’: the published versions (1806, 1807-1808) and a manuscript fragment. 63-84
GLASRA new series 3(2) (1998)
- Jebb, M. H. P. A revision of the genus Trevesia (Araliaceae) 85-114
- Nelson, E. C. ‘A willing Cicerone’: Professor Robert Scott (ca. 1757-1808) of Trinity College, Dublin, Fermanagh’s first botanist 115-144
- Riley, D. H. The introduction and persistence of Salix × laurina Sm. in Ireland 145-153
- Mitchell, M. E. Reporting the Irish lichen flora, 1850-1900 155-160
- Nelson, E. C., Raven, M. Caleb Threlkeld’s family 161-166
- Nelson, E. C. Robert Lloyd Praeger’s bibliography – addenda and emendata 167-169
- McCracken, J. L., Nelson, E. C. Eileen May McCracken (1920-1988) – additions to her bibliography
- Jebb, M. H. P. David A. Webb (1912-1994). 173
- Mitchell, F. J. G. Frank Mitchell (1912-1997). 174
- Book Reviews: Nelson, E. C. & Grills, A. Daisy Hill Nursery, Newry. A History. 177
- Rich, T. C. G. & Jermy, A. C. Plant Crib 1998. 178
- CUMULATIVE INDEX to Glasra and Occasional papers of the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin, 1976-1998 i-xix
GLASRA new series 4(1) (2000)
M. R. D. Seaward & D. H. S. Richardson. Lichens of Lambay Island 1-6
M. J. P. Scannell & M. H. P. Jebb. Flora of Connemara and the Burren – Records from 1984 7-45
M. E. Mitchell. The Irish floras: a checklist of non-serial publications 47-57
M. Forrest & V. M. Ingram. From Swanley to Glasnevin 59-61
H. F. Fox & M. J. P. Scannell. Isaac Carroll (1828-1880): a catalogue of lichens collected in Scandinavia in 1863 housed in the Herbarium, National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin 63-84
GLASRA new series 4(2) (2008)
- M.J.P. Scannell. Susanna Grubb (1820-1911), Botanist and Artist 85-95
- M.J.P. Scannell. On the reported occurrence in Ireland In 1892 of Carex rhynchophysa C.A.Meyer 97-102
- P.A. Reilly. A botanist in Ireland during World War II 103-106
- E.C. Nelson. Typification of two horticultural hybrids in Erica (Ericaceae) 107-108
- D.M. Miller and E.C.Nelson. The Heather Society’s Herbarium, and Ericaceae (Bruckenthalia, Daboecia, Erica) type specimens cited by D. C. McClintock (1913-2001) 109-117
- A. Mangan. A bibliography of mycology and plant pathology in Ireland, 1976 to 2000 119-188
- Nelson, E. C. 1984 Works of botanical interest published before 1800, held in Irish libraries. pp. 127.
- Scannell, M. J. P., Houston, C. I. 1985 Wild flowers from nature painted by Katharine Plunket (1820 – 1932) and Frederica Plunket at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin. pp. 50.
- Scannell, M. J. P., Synnott, D. M. 1989 Sources for the census catalogue of the flora of Ireland (References for the vice-county records of vascular plants, 1934-1985) pp. 84.
- Nelson, E. C. 1990 They gardened Glasnevin: A register of gardeners, labourers, student-apprentice and lady gardeners in the Botanic Gardens. pp. 66.
- Scannell, M. J. P.., Synnott, D. M. 1990 Records for the census catalogue of the flora of Ireland in the Herbarium, NBG. pp. 42.
- Parnell, J. 1992 Isaac Carroll’s cryptogamic flora of county Cork. pp. 41.
- Reynolds, S. C. P., Scannell, M. J. P. 1992 Herbarium of the Limerick Field Club (LIMFC): catalogue and history. pp. 39.
- Nelson, E. C. ed. 1996 Quakers in Irish natural history and medicine in Ireland & Britain. pp. 61.
Wigham, Maurice J. Quakers in Irish natural history and medicine. 1-10
Fassnidge, Harold Dr John Rutty of Melksham, Wiltshire. 11-16
Moriarty, Christopher Dr John Rutty in Dublin. 17-22
Eustace, H. Jocelyn John Eustace and his times. 23-28
Breathneach, C. S. Joseph Barcroft of Newry. 29-36
Davis, Peter The Backhouses and their scientific pursuits. 37-54
Nelson, E. C., The juvenile correspondence of William Henry Harvey. 55-61 - Brennan, R. 1996 Check-list of nursery catalogues from Great Britain in the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin. pp. 50.
- Mitchell, M. E. 1997 Irish lichenology 1858-1880: selected letters of Isaac Carroll, Theobald Jones, Charles Larbalestier and William Nylander. pp. 64.
- Mitchell, M. E. 1998 Index of collectors in Knowles’ The Lichens of Ireland (1929) and Porter’s Supplement (1948), with a conspectus of lichen recording in the Irish vice-counties to 1950. pp. 53.
- Mitchell, M. E. 1999 Early observations on the Flora of the southwest of Ireland. Selected letters of Ellen Hutchins and Dawson Tuner 1807 – 1814. pp.124.
- Reilly, P.A. 2001 The flora of county Cavan. pp.177.
- Reynolds, S.C.P. 2002 A catalogue of alien plants in Ireland. pp. 414.