The activities and role of the National Botanic Gardens is a great deal more varied than meets the eye.
Our purpose is to explore, understand, conserve, and share the importance of plants. Within the living collections at the National Botanic Gardens we have over 300 endangered species from around the world, and six species already extinct in the wild. These are a vital resource, like a Noah’s Ark for the future. Staff at the Gardens are actively describing new species, and increasing our knowledge of the Irish flora. We are conducting collecting expeditions, and investigating the needs of our most threatened native species. The National Herbarium is based within the National Botanic Gardens, and has a collection of nearly 750,000 dried plant specimens. We also have an active DNA research lab. By holding a wide range of named and labelled collections, and keeping an up-to-date catalogue of the collections, we provide a unique reference source for gardeners, horticulturists, and botanists.
Herbarium, Library, and Art Archive