Event Series Ár gCrainn Dhúchasacha

Ár gCrainn Dhúchasacha

OPW National Botanic Gardens of Ireland National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, Ireland

Le ceiliúradh a dhéanamh ar Sheachtain na Gaeilge agus Sheachtain na gCrann ag tarlú ag an am céanna, tá áthas orainn an turas Gaeilge seo a chur i láthair, chun go leor de na speicis chrainn dhúchais in Éirinn a chur in aithne duit. Tá an Ghaeilge spreagtha go mór ag an dúlra agus ag […]


Launch of National Tree Week – Panel Discussion

OPW National Botanic Gardens of Ireland National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, Ireland

LAUNCH OF NATIONAL TREE WEEK 2025 – SUNDAY 9TH MARCH FREE EVENT! 2:00PM: Join us for a discussion on the future of tree planting in Ireland. VENUE: Auditorium, National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin TOPIC: Trees for a Changing Future This topic will cover what climate changes Ireland might expect in the next 30 years and how we […]


Annual Tree Week Lecture: Trees and Woodland Names in Irish Placenames by John McLoughlin, Society of Irish Foresters

OPW National Botanic Gardens of Ireland National Botanic Gardens, Dublin, Ireland

While we have lost almost all of our native woodlands, we continue to have a record of their existence through our placenames. Did you know that in Ireland we currently have 328 baronies, 2,509 civil parishes and 61,119 townlands.  It is estimated that 13,000 townlands or 20% are named after trees, groves of trees and […]
