Project Background Alien invasive plant species are currently of global concern, they are considered to be the second largest threat globally, after habitat destruction, to biodiversity. Gunnera tinctoria is native to Chile and Argentina and is currently an invasive...
A male plant of Salix herbacea The Ben Bulben range Living collections of Salix phylicifolia in the NBG Project Background Arctic-alpines represent less than 2% of the Irish flora and have restricted distributions mainly in northern and western mountains. The...
Project Background DNA barcoding is a technique whereby short stretches of DNA are used to determine species identity. It has potential applications in a wide array of disciplines such as ecology, food safety and forensic science. To produce the DNA barcode suitable...
Project Background The habitat Floating River Vegetation, or “3260 Water courses of plain to montane levels with the Ranunculion fluitantis and Callitricho-Batrachion vegetation”, has been given little attention in Ireland. This habitat is listed in Annex I of...
Distribution in Ireland Sporophyte Gametophyte (1 year old) Project Background Trichomanes speciosum (Killarney fern) is considered one of Ireland’s rare and threatened plant species. It is protected by both local (Flora Protection Order 1999) and European...
Project Background In recent years, attempts to tackle loss in native meadow species diversity have been undertaken by both private and commercial organisations. In many cases, the development or re-creation of native meadows has been carried out by simply...