New Director of the National Botanic Gardens

New Director of the National Botanic Gardens

  Matthew Jebb has taken over the directorship of the National Botanic Gardens following the departure of Peter Wyse Jackson. Matthew has been Keeper of the Herbarium and Taxonomist (Ainmneoir Plandai) at the Gardens since 1998. Matthew gained his primary degree...
Botanic Gardens wins gold for Darwin at Home at Bloom 2009

Botanic Gardens wins gold for Darwin at Home at Bloom 2009

2009 marks a double anniversary for Charles Darwin. Born 200 years ago, on the 12 February 1809 in Shrewsbury, England, his most famous book, The Origin of Species, was published 150 years ago on the 24 November 1859. To mark the occasion we constructed a part of Down...
Ireland’s Wild Orchids – a field guide

Ireland’s Wild Orchids – a field guide

  Brendan Sayers (Foreman at the National Botanic Gardens) and the award-winning botanical artist Susan Sex, have recently completed their latest Irish Orchid book, a field guide to Ireland’s Wild Orchids (cover at right). This richly illustrated book gives...
Wollemi Pine cones at Glasnevin

Wollemi Pine cones at Glasnevin

One of the world’s oldest and rarest trees, the Wollemi pine (Wollemia nobilis) has begun to produce male cones at the Gardens (right). Only discovered in 1994 in Australia this extraordinary tree has a fossil record stretching back 90 million years. A member of...
Mauge’s shelled slug

Mauge’s shelled slug

This burrowing slug, which grows up to 4 inches in length (6-12 cm) was discovered in the National Botanic Gardens Car Park in Septmeber 2008 by Slug expert Gery Holyoak. It was last seen in Ireland in 1931, and before that in 1892. They are rarely seen because they...
Birds of Ireland: Facts, Folklore & History

Birds of Ireland: Facts, Folklore & History

Glynn Anderson, Guide & Information Officer at the National Botanic Gardens, has just published this book with The Collins Press. Lavishly illustrated and beautifully designed, the book is truly chomh breabhsánta le glasóg being packed with delightful vignettes of...