This video story for the National Botanic Gardens of Ireland, Kilmacurragh’s Rhododendron Week (12-18 April 2021) is brought to you by Mark Bobin and Wendelin Morrison from the Royal Horticultural Society Rhododendron Camellia & Magnolia Group. Mark...
A video story for Rhododendron Week 2021 with Seamus O’Brien, Head Gardener at the National Botanic Gardens of Ireland, Kilmacurragh. Seamus tells the story of some of the finest Rhododendron specimens at Kilmacurragh, their discovery, naming and entry into...
Welcome to the launch of Rhododendron Week at the National Botanic Gardens of Ireland, Kilmacurragh. Here is our first video story of the week, with Dr. Matthew Jebb, Director, National Botanic Gardens of Ireland, and Séamus O’Brien, Head Gardener at...
We are delighted to announce a new hybrid daffodil cultivar – Narcissus ‘Kilmacurragh’ (pictured). This wonderful flower was bred by the famous Northern Ireland daffodil breeder Brian Duncan in 2005 and is a Narcissus poeticus (old pheasant’s eye)...
Very early in the 1860s, some rhododendron seedlings arrived at Kilmacurragh, sent to Thomas Acton by Dr David Moore, Curator of the National (then Royal) Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin. The seedlings were a result of a cross between two of Joseph Hooker’s Sikkim...
The Royal Horticultural Society of Ireland (RHSI), founded in 1816, is a charity, dedicated to promoting and improving the knowledge, skill, and practice of horticulture, arboriculture, and floral art while encouraging respect for the environment and creating a sense...