Peonies in Bloom, May 2021

Peonies in Bloom, May 2021

If you are visiting the Gardens soon, be sure to take in our Paeonia (peony) collection, which is at its most breath-taking in May and June. The brief flowering period of peonies means that excitement tantamount to that concerning flowering cherries may surround the...

Blooms in the Breeze: Bluebells

For those of you who cannot make it to the gardens at the moment, a short video of our ???????????????????????????????????????????????????? (Bluebells) blooming in the gardens right now. Featured are a mix of ????????????????????????????????????????????????????...

Rhododendron Week Finale

  Our last video story for Rhododendron Week 2021 is with Dr. Matthew Jebb, Director, National Botanic Gardens of Ireland, and Seamus O’Brien, Head Gardener, National Botanic Gardens of Ireland Kilmacurragh. Here they give a brief overview of the conservation...

Rhododendron Week: Taxonomy Workshop

  A workshop for Rhododendron Week 2021 with Seamus O’Brien, Head Gardener at the National Botanic Gardens of Ireland, Kilmacurragh. Seamus gives an overview of the taxonomy of the genus, using fresh materials from the extensive collection of over 180 species....