National Botanic Gardens News

News and Stories from the National Botanic Gardens

News from the National Botanic Gardens | Irish Botany News | Research Projects Kilmacurragh News

This is a round up of news stories from the National Botanic Gardens. We also run an Irish Botany News page, a Research Projects page and news from the National Botanic Gardens, Kilmacurragh.

Signs of Spring: Narcissus (daffodil)

Here we celebrate the beauty of one of our most beloved spring flowers. Charlotte, one of our guides, relates the origin myth, uses, and symbolism of Narcissus (daffodils).

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Dare to be Wild – online talk with Paul Fitters

This live talk took place on 24 March 2021 on Crowdcast. Paul will talk about rewilding programmes and how they benefit flora and fauna. You will also find out what you can do in your own garden to increase...

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Eye on Nature wildlife photography exhibition 2021

Eye on Nature wildlife photography exhibition 2021

RTÉ and the National Botanic Gardens of Ireland with the OPW present Eye on Nature - Ireland's newest national wildlife photographic competition. RTÉ's Mooney Goes Wild and The Today Show launched the competition in January 2021, to celebrate the flora and fauna of...

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New Curator at the National Botanic Gardens

New Curator at the National Botanic Gardens

The National Botanic Gardens are delighted to welcome Dr. Darach Lupton as the new Curator of the Gardens. Darach was a student at the Gardens from 1995 – 1998; he spent 12 months at the RHS Gardens at Wisley during his placement year in 1996. Finishing at Glasnevin...

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