This live talk took place on 10 February 2021, on Crowdcast. With thanks to Dr Noeleen Smyth.
The alarming loss of forests and other wild habitats globally has caused worldwide concern but for many of us this may not have registered as an impact that has anything to do with our daily lives in Ireland. This loss of habitats and their plants causes people and wildlife to interact more closely, allowing for transmission of viruses such as COVID-19. Plants are our salvation. In China over 125 plants are being researched as treatments for Corona virus. Closer to home, growing plants in our gardens and homes has never been more popular. Within our 5km restriction we have been interacting with the natural world and recording plants like never before. Bumper records have been submitted to the National Biodiversity Data Centre in 2020. Watch this video for more plant and COVID-19 related stories.