The Irish Bryophyte Group welcomes beginners and experts to its field meetings. Joanne Denyer has organised a number of Irish Bryophyte Field Meetings over the winter 2013/2014, to be led by Maurice Eakin, George Smith, Rory Hodd and her good self. All are welcome, but please inform the leader in advance. If you are interested in joining the group contact Joanne at
Please contact the leader of the meeting if you have any questions or require further Information, If you are planning to attend one of the weekend meetings, then please contact the leader in advance, Beginners are very welcome at all meetings. Please bring suitable footwear (sites are often wet), waterproofs, warm clothing and lunch. Field meetings normally finish about 16:00, but this may be weather dependent.
If you have any other questions then contact the Irish bryophyte group co-ordinator – Joanne Denyer email Joanne at
Saturday 12 October 2013: Charleville Wood, Tullamore, Offaly
Leader: Dr George Smith (email: george.smith at Joint meeting with the Offaly Naturalists’ Field Club to look at the mosses and liverworts in Charleville Wood. Especially suitable for beginners! A microscope session will follow later in the afternoon.
Meet at 11:00 am at Charleville Gates (Grid Ref. N328239; OSI Discovery Series map 48).
Saturday 16 November 2013: Co. Meath / east Co. Westmeath
Leader: Dr Maurice Eakin (emall: Maurice.Eakin at )
This area is rich in good bryophyte habitats and we will explore two areas. 1. T-Bán bog (which is not entirely acidic and has features of fen) and woodland – 7km SW of Oldcastle (townland of Greenan). 2. Carrick Hill and Lough Bane (SAC): calcareous grassland and limestone outcrops/scree and lakeshore.
Meet at 10:30 am in Oldcastle (Grid Ref. N552880; OSI Discovery Series map 42).
Saturday 14 December 2013: The Devil’s Glen, Co. Wicklow
Leader: Dr Joanne Denyer (email: Joanne at
The Devil’s Glen has records of bryophytes that tend to be rare in the east of Ireland, such as Jubula hutchinsiae, Diplophyllum obtusifolium and Grimmia hortmonii. We will look at the more common and liverworts in the woodland, river and waterfall, as well as searching for these specialities.
Meet at 10:30am in the main car park (Grid Ref. T248984; OSI Discovery map 56).
Saturday 11 January 2014: Glenmalur, Co. Wicklow
Leader: Dr Joanne Denyer (email: Joanne at
This is a joint meeting with the Dublin Naturalist Field Club. We will look at a range of upland mosses and liverworts in Glenmalur Valley including forestry plantation and banks, upland river and boulders and wet grassland/ bog. If time (and weather) permit, we will explore Fraughan Rock Glen after lunch. There is a record from 1988 for the rare liverwort Southbya tophacea from the valley; we will see if- can re-find this species, as it hasn’t been seen here since its first discovery.
Meet at 11.00 am at the upper car park in Glenmalur Valley (just before the ford) (Grid Ref’. T06694; OSI Discovery Series map 56).
Saturday 8 February 2014: Turlough Hill, Co. Wicklow
Leader: Dr Joanne Denyer (email: Joanne at
This area has a mix of upland habitats which we shall explore. There are some north-east facing rocky crags that might be promising for bryophytes.
Meet at 10:30 am In the Wicklow Gap car park (Grid Ref. 0075002; 051 Discovery Series map 56).
Saturday 15 March 2014: Lickeen Wood, Glencar, Co. Kerry
Leader: Dr Rory Hodd (email: rlhodd at gmall,com).
This meeting will explore some of the remaining fragments of the Atlantic woodland which once clothed the Glencar valley, and associated cliffs, ravines and riverbanks. The hectad In which the woods are located has few recent records, but is adjacent to some of the richest hectads In Ireland, so promises to have a wide range of bryophytes present.
Meet at 1030 am at the Colllte sign for Lickeen Wood beside Blackstones Bridge (Grid Ref. V709864; 051 Discovery Series map 78).
Saturday 5 April 2014: Tomnafinnoge Woodland, Co. Wicklow
Leader: Dr Joanne Denyer (email: Joanne at
On this meeting we will explore woodland in south County Wicklow (NW Shillelagh). Semi-natural woodland with some old oak trees, rive r and associated habitats and disused railway line.
Meet at 11:00 am In the car-park – which is located to the north of the woodland and south of Greenhall Bridge (grid ref. T010690; 051 Discovery map 62). Note car park not marked on 051 map.
Saturday 10 -Sunday 11 May 2014: Clara Bog, Co. Offaly [weekend meeting]
Leader: Dr George Smith (email: george.smith at
We will visit Clara Bog, Identified In the Irish led Data Book as an Important Bryophyte Area and one of the best raised bogs remaining in Ireland. Highlights will include flushes, bog woodland and lots of Sphagnum. We will try to refind Tetroplodon angustatus, recorded here in 1988 in its only Irish station, All levels of expertise are welcome and there will be a microscope session in the Visitors’ Centre. Local information and accommodation can be found at Transport from Clara Station can be arranged for those coming by train.
Meet at Clara Bog Visitors’ Centre, Clara, Cc Offaly (Grid Ref. N25543247), co-located with the local library.
Saturday 31 May-Sunday 1 June 2014: Mweelrea, Co. Mayo [weekend meeting]
Leader: Dr Rory Hodd (email: rlhodd at
This meeting will explore the area around the mountain of Mweelrea (c815m). On Saturday, weather allowing, the large corrie to the northwest of Doo Lough will be explored. An effort will be made to refind a number of species, including Ptilium crista-castrensis (In its only Irish locality) and Scopania nimbosa. A range of rare montane and oceanic species will be seen, including excellent examples of hepatic mat vegetation and abundant Sphagnum skyense. Sites to be visited on Sunday will include the machalr at Dooaghtry, where Petalophyllum ralfsii and Catascopium nigritrum are known. Louisburgh is the nearest village, but accommodation is limited, so it may be better to stay in Westport.