Grace Pasley has been the herbarium assistant and official photographer at the National Botanic Gardens for over 30 years. Grace was wonderful in many ways and well deserved her ‘Amazing Grace’ nickname. Her generosity and joie de vivre was known to many at the Gardens, as well as in other walks of life. Grace made many firm friendships through her direct, open, honest and loving personality. She was never happier than when on walking holidays, especially overseas, and her passion was for taking photographs of all she did and saw.
Many of her pictures decorate this website and her work is a living memorial to her, recording as it does the work, people and plants of the Gardens. In February of this year Grace organised an exhibition of her own photographs to show the Gardens through the seasons. The exhibition and sale raised thousands of euros for the Adelaide, Meath and National Children’s Hospital, Breast Care Centre.
At Christmas each year Grace organised charitable fund-raising activities at the Gardens. Privately, and generously, she supported many good causes, especially those working in the developing world, and for children. Indeed Grace had a remarkable affinity with children who would become quite giddy and merry in her company, instantly recognising the warm and fun-loving person she was.
Over the last three years Grace has shown remarkable courage – her confidence and optimism was both a tonic and a humbling example to all around her. Her Christian faith was a major strength to her, especially so in her last few months.
We will miss her very much at the Gardens.